Monday, November 20, 2006

Tertulia en el Colmado

"Es una reunión, informal y periódica, de gente interesada en un tema o en una rama concreta del arte o de la ciencia, para debatir, informarse o compartir ideas y opiniones. Por lo general la reunión tiene lugar en un café o cafetería, y suelen participar en ellas personas del ámbito intelectual."
-Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre.

En este caso, la tertulia semanal a la que asisto se realiza en el colmado J&M de la bella urbanización de La Lotería, en Santiago de los 30 (*cough*) Caballeros. En la esquina de mi casa.
Usualmente, alrededor de los Viernes, se reunen en el colmado los chicos del barrio y tambien aquellos que una vez eran del barrio y no logran dejarlo realmente. Están todos en todo su esplendor, desde aquel que se casó hace dos meses pero no puede por nada del mundo apartarse de sus panas, hasta mi fan #1 de Karaoke los miércoles (esa es otra historia).
Hemos pasado por varios temas, desde discusiones de géneros, hasta la monogamia, entre otras cosas.

El tema de este viernes: Los Condones.

Qué opinan de las mujeres que los poseen? Que opinan de aquellas que ni siquiera saben bien como funciona uno? Historias ilícitas de momentos de pasión donde "no hubo tiempo para encontrar uno" se intercambiaban velozmente esa noche. "Mielda viejo el susto que paso yo cuando oí lo que era esa jeva...Cuando vi el NEGATIVO casi me muero del alivio"

El consenso general masculino indicaba que la gran mayoría de los hombres les tienen menos respeto a aquellas mujeres que poseen dichos salvavidas. Dicen..."OH Y PORQUE carajo ella debe tener? Eso significa que es frecuente en la práctica."
Pero no que la mujer moderna debe ser precavida e independiente? Entonces? Seguimos en lo mismo.
Esta tertulia colmadera se va poniendo buena.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Come and See..I swear By Now Im Playing Time..

I will go in this way But I'll find my own way outI wont tell you what to be But Im coming to much more....Me

Im only this far And only tomorrow leads my way...

-Dave Matthews Band..#41


Someone lifted me up and blew a hot breath of life into my limbs...It's like going from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds.

It used to be that writing only flowed from my veins when I was upset..or depressed or anguished...Or in any case just plain LAZY. I have been wrought through every emotion in my body...It has been a trip to hell and back these past months..Discovering things I knew where there, things I didnt know I knew where there..and things I always knew and never admitted to knowing where there. (Does that make any sense?)

I decided to change my get rid of the black background..because I feel that my writing does not need to be dark to be good. Misery did produce some awesome material..but let's see how it goes now....with a lighter approach to things.

My intensity is still here. I am still the distressed complicated musical being of dark and light that I have constructed over time...But lets just say that the space between these two shades is alot less drastic.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Ok...In response to that damn long post that Clo sent..Here are 25 of the things that make me happy, in no specific order..

1)Seeing my mom crack up with my retarded jokes.
2)Hearing my nephew Lucas talk on the phone with me (although I barely understand him)

4)Coffee and a cigarette in the morning before brushing my teeth.
6)Proving people wrong when they underestimate me.
9)Laying down in fresh sheets
10)Drinking wine with wine geeks
11)Laying in my yard at 2 am looking up at the stars
12)Walking around aimlessly in New York
13)Having a friend come over just to talk crap
15)Talking to my siblings (especially la rubia mala esa)
16)Having an interesting conversation with a perfect stranger
17)Cool breezes
18)Seeing my dog Patty go crazy when I get home on the weekends
19)My tattoo
20)Doing crossword puzzles with my dad at 1 am
21)Laughing untill I snort and tears come out of my eyes
22)Hot Showers
23)Going to the gym
24)Dancing untill my feet hurt
25)Writing crazy shit in my blog!

25 of the things that make me happy...I wonder what those 25 things will be in a few years? Happiness is so completely changing and relative..

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Me Publico Completa, Me espero Mejorable

Quizás sea inoportuno
o acaso delirante.
Soy de tantas maneras
como gente pretenda
nomás calificarme.

-Silvio Rodriguez- Tocando Fondo

En honor al rey de los trovadores que visitará nuestro país en el mes siguiente, empiezo este post con una de sus canciones mas queridas por mi.. Tocando Fondo
En siento que estoy en una etapa de estar Tocando Fondo ahora mismo..Pero a diario recuerdo aquellas épocas donde sí lo hacía..
Gloriosamente..eso quedó atras..y ahora estoy en la etapa de acceptación y de..go with the flow..

Soy una persona que se complica mucho mas de lo que debería, y sobre-analiza hasta el pasar de un mosquito. Me encantan las sorpresas aunque nunca lo admita y soy romántica empedernida aunque me disfrace de fria y distante.
Me gusta encerrarme en mi mente y pensar...filosofar sobre el mundo, sobre las personas, sobre mi. Me gusta saber un poco de cada cosa..
Soy insegura, mal pensada, exagerada y ñoña, aunque ante la vida me vista de armadura.
Dudo de mis propias capacidades, pero me empujo a veces más allá de lo que yo misma espero.
Soy egocéntrica y celosa, compensando esto con una preocupación y atención masiva a los problemas de los demás en los que pueda ayudar.
Nunca estoy conforme con mi peso ni con mi cuerpo pero prefiero transmitir vanidad y sex appeal.

Por otro lado..Me considero buena amiga..he sabido dejar todo a un lado por estar ahi para mis amigos. Tengo buen oido para la musica y una percepción fenomenal del bien y del mal.
Amo a mis padres mas que a mi vida y me desvivo por verlos reir.
Amo la vida aunque la maldiga y respiro el rocío de la mañana siempre dando Gracias a Dios por permitirme otro día.
Soy amante de la noche, de las conversaciones fructíferas y de todo aquello que aumente mis conocimientos.
Soy Gabriela..un chowfan de virtudes y defectos.

Me declaro imperfecta..
me detesto probable.
Si uno no se desnuda
se transfigura en reto
todo lo desnudable

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Good Riddance..

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

-Green Day..Time of your Life

ANd as always..a song could not have said it better..and this is the most adequate one..

The affair has ended...No more exciting escapades around town.
No more stolen kisses or late nite messaging..
No more waking up with a warm body close by..

THis is all for the best and I am actually happy about it.
It was so much fun...and so great..but even great things must end.

What have we learned from all this?
-Que una aventura es mas bonita cuando no miramos el tiempo en el reloj.
-That there are still interesting people out there to meet..
-That my libido still works (lol)
-That my heart isnt closed for business..
-That sneaking around can be fun.
-And finally and most important...that I know now what I want and what I deserve.

So...was it worth it??? 100%. No therapy could have given me the thrills this whole affair bought to my soul. It's what? Life moves on..and so will I.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Deep in the bosom of the gentle night
Is when I search for the light
Pick up my pen and start to write
I struggle, fight dark forces
In the clear moon light
Without fear... insomnia
I can't get no sleep

I don't think Faithless could have sung this any better..
Here I have a a little something in ode to that which has become my best friend and enemy all at once..I wrote this somewhere in the midst of 3 am on one of my sleepless nights...

Infinite cups of tea..endless sheep have come to fail
I have tried to sleep..everytime to no avail..
Sipping and counting in fits of spite..
I toss and turn in the unforgiving hands of night..

My tongue awaiting that forgiving caress
I taste the moon with no success..
I lay..patiently waiting for a quiet escape..
my eyes never mouth agape.

The hours crash by as waves on the sea..
the night carries on..always without me...

Instead of insomnia why cant it be a warm body next to me keeping me awake?
Why does it have to be this unforgiving RELUCTANCE to fall asleep..
At least it gives me a inspiration to write...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

MY Five Things

Did I make me up
Or make the face ’til it stuck?
I do the best imitation of myself

-Ben Folds Five..Best Imitation of Myself honor to your post, here go my five habits (be them good or bad..but they just ARE)

1) Al levantarme..hasta con los ojos cerrados cuelo una greca de cafe, me siento en mi balcon y me la bebo sorbo a delicioso sorbo con un cigarrillito. (yes..bad habit I know)..pero es mi ritual mañanero.

2) A couple of times a day..I have to sit still, alone..and think about sex. HAHAHAHAHA. De verdad..Remembering that there is something SOOOOO good in life and so attainable picks my mood up. Im not a nympho. Im just..sensually oriented. Lol.

3) Cuando me baño, me sazono de pies a cabeza. I LOVE CREAM. Body lotion, de todos los sabores y olores..tengo que encremarme..It makes me feel soft and sensual and and olorosa y que se yo. ME ENCANTA.

4) EN mi apartamento siempre debe haber musica. Sino..que sería de la vida musical de Gabi? Busco siempre canciones para narrar la historia de mi musica es mi passion y mi delirio.

5) Finalmente, al menos una vez al dia..tengo que llamar a Doña P. (my mom) y decirle que la quiero..Esa mujer es la fuerza centrífuga de mi vida. Es mi mayor apoyo, mi razon de ser y de querer ser. No vivo con ella..pero su presencia en este mundo me motiva y desmotiva a hacer muchas cosas..

Those are only FIVE of my habitual things...Anyone remember more?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Una Aventura

Una aventura, es mas bonita
Si no miramos el tiempo en el reloj
Una aventura, es mas bonita
Cuando escapamos solos tu y yo

Who would have said it...I have been swept away into a sea of stolen kisses and late nite messages..
He is an adventure in himself..and has invited me into this mysterious affair, which I have happily accepted.
I dont know what Im doing..or how long this is going to last..but it feels wonderful. It's like something woke up inside me...

His touch leaves a trail of shivers down my back
And his voice in my ear
is the spark that gave way to my desire.
You came looking for what other arms lack.

I dare whisper your name
it is better kept unsaid.

With a mix of charm..laughter and sweet kisses..I have sealed my fate and my walk into this adventure..

But at the same time...En Que me he metido?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Un Dulce Palpito..La Clave Intima

Ya nada puede impedir En mi fragilidad
Es el curso de las cosas
Oh mi corazon se vuelve delator
Se abren mis esposas

There is something in me that is still alive. Not that it pumps blood into my veins, or keeps my body functioning. Its not the fact that its one of the most vital organs...Deep in its recesses...there is still a part working, that has long been overshadowed by another organ that I wish would SHUT THE HELL UP once in a while.

Whoever said that the brain is the center of the emotions obviously has never been through depression or heartache or has lost or gazed into the eyes of a loved one.

How else can I explain the swelling in my chest when I look at my nephew Lucas?
Id like to know why when I fucking cry..I feel like my chest is caving in?
OR when I go to sleep at night..Why does its beat rumble so loud in fast in my ears as if it were going to chase after whatever Im dreaming about?

Yes...for better or for worse..It still works. I am content with knowing that.

Monday, January 23, 2006

2006..Sweet Surrender

And sweet
Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

New Year...New Beginnings. At least thats what we all want to think everytime a new event has begun. I can tell this year is going to be full of unexpected twists and turns...just by looking at the way it started out.
You need a change of air..Im flying you up to NYC for 10 days.
Those were the words of my lovely sister Keila...And they marked the beginning of 2006.

So basically in pictures I can recreate my December-January 2006 trip:

Yes..I drank and danced the nights away, shopped untill my heels were begging for mercy, visited a few friends..was wined and dined..But the culmination of my trip..was what I did for my birthday:

Freedom From Fear

Those are the words I had forged in sanskrit (the first language of the world) into my skin on my 22nd birthday.

Freedom from Fear of what?
-Of allowing myself to take risks
-Of confronting responsibility for the decisions I make.
-Of letting my fingers and my crazy mind take control of this blog.
-Of the unexpected -Of giving myself another chance.
-Of letting people climb the walls Ive built.
-Of what other mindless people have to say about me.
-Of falling in love

We spend so much much wasted time..fearing consequences, fearing everything life has to offer. What a big crock of bullshit.
Yo no estoy diciendo que esta actitud cambia de un dia para otro...ese miedo lo llevamos tan incrustados en nuestras conciencias que no nos permite degustar de las delicias que nos ofrecen todos los dias de la vida.. Pero por algun lado hay que comenzar.
I wish everyone who takes a few minutes of their lives to read my neurotic blog, a year 2006 free from whatever it is they fear.
And please..cuentenme...que cosa tan insignificante y mundana temen ustedes?