Monday, September 05, 2011


I'm an HR Manager. I have to deal with and talk to people all day long. BOO hooo my work sucks and customers yell at me. Booo Hooo I have to work on the weekend. WAH WAH WAH!
Food doesn't talk back to me...I manipulate it into exactly what it wants and has the potential to be.

For example...taking Ripe Nectarines and Limes and making it into this:

Do these Nectarines look like they protested at any point when I was slicing them evenly and laying them gently across the lime curd? DO you think they didn't want to be brushed with a perfect complement of Peach Butter to make them shine and glisten atop this dreamy tart? NO. BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR THEM!

Ok. Enough. I'm off to chop onions now. They don't stand a chance against my santoku knife.