Thursday, March 16, 2006

Good Riddance..

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

-Green Day..Time of your Life

ANd as always..a song could not have said it better..and this is the most adequate one..

The affair has ended...No more exciting escapades around town.
No more stolen kisses or late nite messaging..
No more waking up with a warm body close by..

THis is all for the best and I am actually happy about it.
It was so much fun...and so great..but even great things must end.

What have we learned from all this?
-Que una aventura es mas bonita cuando no miramos el tiempo en el reloj.
-That there are still interesting people out there to meet..
-That my libido still works (lol)
-That my heart isnt closed for business..
-That sneaking around can be fun.
-And finally and most important...that I know now what I want and what I deserve.

So...was it worth it??? 100%. No therapy could have given me the thrills this whole affair bought to my soul. It's what? Life moves on..and so will I.


Rosanna said...

"that I know now what I want and what I deserve" Que bueno que te diste cuenta, mil veces te dije que ninguna de nosotras merece una situacion asi.

Gracias a Dios que nos da cada situacion para que saquemos lo mejor de ella, que bueno que de entre todas las cosas sacaste las positivas y te quedas con ellas. Ademas! tienes los recuerdos y que volviste a sentir! cosa que algunos olvidamos a veces ;)


Anonymous said...

YOU A WORTH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE... and you know it... I want more for you, there is more for you. i've told you all this many times... i'm glad that you finally decided to end this escapade... You are worth haveing someone that is one and only for you!! I'm happy that you have grown through this experience pero no lo hagas again ok... lol... i know you wont listen to me, but i love you any ways...

Gabz said...

Estas son de las cosas de las cuales me voy a reir con malicia cuando este decacarandome en una silla de ruedas...y mis nietos me van a mirar y van a decir..ay pero que abuelita ma bellaca!!! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

i Lost u in translation.... or whatever im supose to mean....

Im really, really happy about it... y que te dieras cuenta k there is no therapy like sex, fuking set ur soul free... no matter what,.... its make u dream, its make u fly, its make u come, its make u made some really freaky noises (me pase, no?), and its make u belive in you....

i knew that ur libido will work, u just need the rigth trigger ;)

and the most important thing of all, that now you know what u want and what u deserve, y yo diria, what u are, and of what your made of....

he estado un poco lejos, un poco de tiempo, but i still care about u, and i miss u too... dont be so mad at me..... u can be mad..... but not too much.


Ya, esta bueno por hoy.... hoy es noche de white wine, y no estoy acostumbrado... :)