Saturday, October 01, 2005

Tired Of Me

You say..hold on to the reigns..I say let them go tonight..
My brain wavesConfused between what is and ain’t...
Tired of the water...Tired of the wine..Tired of the future..
Tired of Time..
Live- Tired Of ME
This is me......
Im so tired...of everything..
Im tired of working, of college, of being dissapointed, of waiting, of hoping, of trying, of dying..
Im tired of waiting for a second chance
Im tired of trying to project something
Im tired of drinking
Im tired of smoking
Im tired of going to bed late and falling asleep in class
Im tired of my job
Im tired of illusions
Im tired of disillusions
Im tired of being scared
Im tired of procrastinating
Im tired listening to emptiness
Im tired of mental dualities
Im tired of smiling
Im tired of being me..I need a vacation from myself.

I've been lying here holding the grass in its place,
Pressing a leaf with the side of my face,
Tasting the apples to see if they're sweet,
Counting the toes on a centipede's feet.
I've been memorizing the shape of that cloud,
Warning the robins to not chirp so loud,
Shooing the butterflies off the tomatoes,
Keeping an eye out for floods and tornadoes.
I've been supervising the work of the ants
And thinking of pruning the cantaloupe plants,
Calling the fish to swim into my nets,
And I've taken twelve thousand and forty-one breaths,
And I'm TIRED!
-Shel Silverstein (my favorite poet)

1 comment:

Kiki A.Ortiz said...

been there...miles de veces,y se como te siente,tu sabes q se como te sientes..claro q estas cansada si la mayoria de las cosas q haces no te gustan digo..mas o menos y donde estas te gusta un poco menos,yo me imagino q los vacios vuelven y con ellos los recuerdos esos q te persiguen desde hace mucho,te necesito cerca gabz y hablar contigo,y acordarte de Dios y darte aliento ,el felipe,el dulce de leche (te acuerdas?),la guagua cerca de tu casa..y tal vez ayudarte a ayudarte a ti misma,mana please...porfa,tu puedes salir de ahi donde sea q estes
me desarma saber q estas asi