Monday, October 03, 2005

Selling the Drama

and to love: a god and to fear: a flame
and to burn a crowd that has a name
and to right or wrong and to meek or strong
it is known, just scream it from the wall
-Live, Selling the Drama

I dont want everyone to think that all I do in my free time is sit and moan and complain about my life..because that is not the case.
Between all the whining I do have a life and I Go out and do normal things and party without giving a second thought to all the drama...And let me say..some of that drama is HYSTERICAL..
I was out on friday with my guys (El Ogro, el negro y evander)
and I was victim of the WORST pickup line EVER. It came from someone Ive seen very few times..
"Mi amor dame tu telefono"
"No viejo, yo tengo el tuyo..."
"Ah bueno..pues conservalo..que yo salgo bueno..a mi me guta mucho rap*r"



I understand that sex is great and its something most people would want to have like on a daily basis (those lucky bastards that do..)
BUT SERIOUSLY....who would that line work on????
No me costo mas remedio que reirme..imaginate...Hay que tener MUCHOS cojones para saltar con una asi....

Everyday I make my friend Taisha's day with my drama..Most of it is boo hoo so sad I wanna puke...but alot of it...keeps me and her laughing when I have nothing to laugh at.
Ive gotta learn to sell my drama..alot of it is not worth keeping!

Compartan..epliquenme si han oido un un pick up line peor que ese..pq yo no lo creo...


Kiki A.Ortiz said...

ta fuerte ese si..yo borro :P jejejeje
deja ve...quien es esa jevita?now toy celosa..erm:(

etupido drama,toy harto de el..

(si,del tuyo tambien :P)
love u

Anonymous said...

hey gabz... we will always be interwined in drama, be it good or bad...we just gotta deal with it... wat else is there to do? But i hear ya i'm getting tired of all the drama in my life... cant deal cant bear!!!