Friday, June 10, 2005


"Yo a tu lado no siento las horas que van con el me acuerdo que llevo en mi pecho una herida mortal..Yo contigo no siento el sonar de la lluvia ni el viento..pq llevo tu a mor en mi pecho como un madrigal.."
So Im sitting here..and this song comes on...which brings me such sweeet memories...Of me at a time when innocence was still around..Sitting by my Dads feet watching him and hearing him speak with my Godfather over their glasses of Black Label.
Sweetness being something I feel has been dying in my vocabulary....I'd like to make a small list of those things that every now and then conjure up that scarce and missed feeling...
-The image of my nephew Lucas falling asleep on my chest
- My brother Robert calling to say..Dimelo sucia..because thats the way he expresses the fact that he misses me.
-When my Dad calls me silly mushy nick names
-The way my mom calls me 2309283290 times a day just to say whats up, and no matter how much I say: TU SI JODE, she always manages to say I love you.
God..I wish I could sit and appreciate more of that in my life...You know how time passes and you turn cold..and things change so much and shift out of perspective and you forget who you were and how simple things were? I wish I knew how to handle it.


1 comment:

Kiki A.Ortiz said...

lucas..lucas...MI uno es asi gabz, menosprecia lo mas preciado q tenemos, o sea..como resistirse a don bo diciendote esas cosas, o a los consejos boches de tu madre, asi hago yo con las super atenciones de má..,y me acuerdo tambien de nene diciendome dimelo azarosa...*sigh*...q familia nos gastamos, vamo gabi, tu eres mas dulce de lo q piensas es q se te ha cojio con el cancito de ser dike negra!!! ay ya ya ya ...doña p tiene razon! tu priva en .... lalala