Thursday, April 28, 2005

Feels like Home..

"And I thank you..for bringing me here..for showing me home...finally I found that I belong here...."
Ey...realmente pase un rato super agradable. I did something unconventional y me sente en el monumento con unos panas a hablar donkeyfeathers y a beber vino. Mieh...que apero se sintio eso, asi viendo todas las luces de santiago y filosofando..
I'm on vacation. Im oficially a lazy ass bum. And I dont know what to do with myself now...I still think I have to get up and read a book or write a report or analyze something...BUT I DONT! :D
It was a shitty day..but It had a nice end :) Things arent as dark and excruciating as I thought..


Kiki A.Ortiz said...

yo me imagino, todo con ellos es chulo...
un beso oh kejeyo lo q quieras jeje
love u

Gabz said...

Hubiese sido ma chulo contigo ahi kika conio :D